American Idiot in Chief
If you are in the same age range as I am then I am sure that you all remember the classic Green Day song by the same title as this article you are about to read.
This was a song that focused on the “Redneck agenda” of a nation that had lost its way and had become something that the world would not approve of as we all try and be better people and better citizens of this planet that we all share.
To quote those classic lyrics by a classic band, Green day.
“Don’t wanna be an American idiot
Don’t want a nation under the new mania
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind-fuck America”
These lyrics describe Trump and Trump’s America to a tee and they tell the story of what is going on today in the country that we once could be proud of and the nation that at one time, we could proudly claim as one of the best places on earth.
“We are Americans, we are the best”
Back in the 90s when I was backpacking around Europe for the first time there was not this stereotype of the “American Idiot”, but years later just after 9/11 there was, it was then when I believe the “We are better than you” mindset began to set in and the xenophobic and especially Islamophobia by my fellow countrymen began to take hold and we were viewed as “Idiot Americans” who think they are the best.
During the Obama years when I would take trips across the Atlantic Ocean to visit the cobblestoned streets of Madrid or the brothels of Amsterdam, the view of myself and other Americans had shifted and we were viewed as a compassionate and smart nation again and that is because we had sane and kind leadership.
Still, even with Obama as president, the people that originally gave us this stereotype because of their actions and ways were still amongst us and for this, those in Europe and around the world had this view of all Americans that we too were like them and thus the label remained despite the positive view they had of President Obama.
Today, things are different.
American idiot in the White House
The idiotic American label has always existed, but under Obama, it was much less as it was before and certainly less so than it is today. Today we not only have idiotic Americans, we have ones who are loud and proud of this and we have an American idiot in the White House.
Trump and his supporters are the American idiots.
They are the ones who Green Day was talking about back then, they just did not know that it would come to fruition at the level that it has and yet, here we are as a country in 2020 that not only has proud supporters of this old stereotype and ideology, but we in fact have an American idiot leading our country and proving those who call us this right.
Trump has proven to be the poster child for this stereotype and his supporters are out there doing his bidding.
The evidence was clear even before COVID, but now with the pandemic and his failed actions on it, he has proven himself to be a damn fool more than we ever could have seen before.
Now, the world thinks that Americans are more idiotic than we have ever been in our history and Trump has made us a complete global embarrassment and we become more so everyday. These days Europeans think that we are the land of idiots more than ever and it is mostly because of the American idiot and his herd of idiotic sheep.
Trump does not act like a smart man. He has proven himself to be uneducated on worldly matters and incompetent as President of the United States and it does not appear to be getting any better, any time soon. He is the president of the idiots and these idiots and Trump himself have made us a nation of idiots once again.
Over the last four years we have seen just what these people around the world were talking about when they called Americans “idiots” and those Green Day lyrics make more sense than ever. The words sung by Billy Joe Armstrong are by far spot on when it comes to the America that we live in today and Trump and company are the classic definition of what they were talking about.
Trump has proven to be just what they were talking about and has been without a doubt, the most idiotic president in American history and has been clearly a global joke, on every level. The days of George W. Bush and the way that he acted during the Iraq War and that whole fiasco that made the world hate America are nothing compared to Trump and the complete failure of his presidency.
MAGA — Morons Are Governing America
Isn't this the truth?
Trump has failed us not only with the response to the pandemic, but in just about every way that a president can fail a country. During his time in office he has be great, but not the great that his supporters want us to believe, he has been great at all the wrong things.
Great at lying
Great at hating
Great at dividing
These are not the things that we want a president to be great at, yet this is what we have with the idiot in chief and the destruction that he has caused our country and our image. The image we should be portraying is one of competence, leadership, compassion, and common sense and none of that is happening with our current leadership.
The world views us as American idiots more today than they have at anytime in our history and for good reason.
Look who is in charge and the messes that he has created both now and before this virus came upon us. Just look at what is coming out of his mouth and how he and the “MAGA” movement behaves and you will see why the entire planet thinks that America is insane.
I mean, what sane country would elect someone like Trump?
The response to this pandemic proves that smart people are not running things in America and the stereotype of the American idiot is more spot on now than it has ever be. It is not only about those abroad despising us for our thoughts that we are better than them, but now our actions as a country are endangering the world.
Americans are being banned from going to Europe because we lead the globe in cases of this virus. I mean, let that sink in for a moment. The country that everyone looks up to for leading is now a nation that is literally prohibited from traveling to Europe, a place that has always be very pro-America and it is all because of the failed virus response and failed everything of the current guy in charge of this nation.
Stable Genius he is not
Trump once claimed that he is a “Stable genius”. The guy who thinks that windmill noise causes cancer, who suggested that people inject disinfectants to cure the Coronavirus, and who cannot even spell simple words like coffee and hamburger wants everyone to believe that HE is a genius and as someone who throws tantrums quite often, is stable.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Now that you have had a moment to digest that hilarious self description from the so-called Commander in Chief, do you honestly feel that he is in any way, a stable person or a smart one?
There is nothing about him that is either, and I do not mean to be harsh but let us call a spade a spade.
Donald Trump is not smart. He is an American idiot if there ever was one. Him and his movement have brought back the days of the American idiot and the world is letting us know loud and clear that what is happening in our country with him is nothing to laugh at (although they do), the tragic loss of tens of thousands of lives and a failure of managing a pandemic is the worst thing a leader can preside over.
Trump is far from stable and for sure far from a genius.
Make America Smart Again
Joe Biden was right. We cannot handle four more years of Donald Trump in the White House.
The mismanagement of this crisis with COVID-19 was the last straw and we should all wake up to what this president is all about and just what he has done to our nation.
I like the “Make America Smart Again” slogan because it speaks the truth as to where we are at with Trump and what our country is like today. It is spot on and is the opposite of what Trump has turned us into. Trump’s 2016 slogan should have been “Make America Dumb Again” because that is exactly what happened when he won.
I mean, I talked about the phenomenon of the ‘American idiot” with how the world viewed Americans traveling through Europe back in the day, but the true American idiot is the current occupant of the White House and those who support him are a close second.
We cannot handle what is going on much longer. Joe is the man who can turn this country around and make our nation smart again and lead us into a place where we are once again respected and not viewed as the utter and complete embarrassment that we have become under this president that we have now in the White House.
Trumpism is not intelligence or sanity — we need both
Trump is not the kind of leader that we need to need to lead us at anytime, let alone during a crisis such as the one we find ourselves in now and his brand of patriotism is not what true pride in our country is all about. We are about love for country, not love for party and certainly not hate, lies, and the many other aspects of Trumpism we have grown accustomed to.
I am sure you know what Trumpism is.
Trumpism is the culture of Trump. Doing what he wants to do and being the kind of country that he wants us to be. I find that Trumpism is the real virus in this country, it is not something that is anything good and will never be any kind of benefit for our country or our people.
Trump and what he stands for is not based in intelligence and for sure is not based in sanity.
The ways that he has behaved over the last four years have proven that the man is neither intelligent or sane and the actions that he has taken as part of what we now know as ‘Trumpism” further prove that point.
The Bottom Line
Trump is for sure an American idiot and anyone who thinks that the man is smart or has a great vision for this country is as well. I mean, how could you at this point honestly believe a word he says or thinks that he is doing a good job for our country?
I made the title of this article what I did because of the facts and what he has done TO our country. He has not done anything good FOR our country and this is a fact that his supporters need to accept and come to terms with as they do not seem to get the reality of the situation that we find ourselves in with this guy.
I mean, look around. Do you see anything great?
Bounties by the Russians on our troops that he KNEW about, a virus out of control with 130,000 dead and millions infected that he has downplayed since the start, racial unrest across the country, millions unemployed, and the most divided our country has ever been.
Nothing is great and he for sure is not.
We need a real leader, not an idiot in chief. We need a president who makes the right choices for the people of this country. We need someone in charge who does not embarrass our country, buddy up to dictators, put the lives of our troops in danger, and ignore a virus that has killed more Americans than in the Vietnam War.
Everyday we are all more ashamed to be Americans than the previous day as he says more insane things, commits more atrocities, lies more, and just flat out shames our nation. I know that Americans have lived up to the American idiot stereotype for a long time and we all have seen it on our trips overseas, but this guy wins the award for being that.
Donald Trump is the American idiot and it is a bad, bad look for the country that we love!