As The Pandemic Rages on, Trump Remains Focused on Himself
There are two things that I never thought I would see in my lifetime — a pandemic that has killed so many while changing an entire world, creating a new normal for everyone, and then a president who focused on himself and his personal and political aspirations above leading a country through such a crisis.
This is what we have with Donald Trump through the worst public health crisis that many of us have ever seen.
When I woke up this morning and saw the news of how Trump was talking about how the reason that the stimulus checks are being held up by those in the Democratic Party and calling COVID-19, “China Virus” and other offensive and derogatory terms while focusing on his re-election campaign.
As of today, we sit here with more than 165,000 deaths, tens of millions of Americans unemployed, and more than five million positive cases of the virus with no end in sight and the President of the United States continues to focus on himself and his political goals instead of the people that he supposedly is trying to represent.
This is shameful and something that we should not accept as citizens of this nation.
The talking point from right wing pundits and Trump himself is that he takes no responsibility for the above mentioned atrocities of this pandemic and is not to blame for what has happened over the last five months and it is all on the shoulders of Democrats.
During a Pandemic with Cases Rising, Trump Has Held Political Rallies and Events
This is really shameful.
Trump has held these rallies with thousands of people in states with rising cases during this pandemic and while he is now saying that he will likely hold his events virtually, there was talk that he would hold more in-person rallies despite the virus continuing to spread throughout the nation.
I am sure that you remember the Tulsa and Arizona rallies as well as the 4th of July event in South Dakota that drew very large crowds of people and most of people and most of them did not have on masks or practice social distancing to prevent the spread and look at what happened as a result — many got the virus and spread it to others, even the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr.
This right here shows that he only cares about himself and focuses on what is good for him, rather than what is good for the country and the American people and that is truly shameful.
Here we are in the middle of the worst public health crisis in more than a century and Trump is out there golfing, spending all day tweeting attacks against Democrats and others, and holding his ego stroking rallies and meanwhile, Americans are suffering and dying.
You see what I mean?
It is all about Trump and what he can get from a situation and even during a crisis like this one, he is out there making it all about himself and his quest for re-election and that second term that he needs to secure and which he will do anything to get.
These rallies, his tweets, and so on are about one thing that one thing is himself, and as our country is in the middle of a crisis and needs some real leadership and a president who will put aside his own aspirations and needs for the needs of the people of this country.
An Obsession With Mail-In Voting and So-Called Enemies like Joe Biden and Others
Trump has developed this obsession with mail-in voting in the middle of all of this with the tragic and devastating public health crisis that our nation has been experiencing over the last several months and this obsession has taken center stage in the middle of this mess.
He has these lies and false claims about the practice of mail-in voting and is against the safest way to vote during a global pandemic and rather focus on that and on Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and others than focus on getting us out of this pandemic and save American lives and that is for sure, shameful.
Trump is always tweeting about the above mentioned people or who liberals are trying to cheat in the 2020 election with mail-in voting, instead of putting the focus on what matters which is the pandemic and the virus that is killing the people of this country in record numbers.
The man is obsessed with these things and has no interest in doing what is best for the people of this country and trying to unite us during this crisis that we all are going through with this pandemic, this should enrage us all as we navigate this difficult time.
“Mission Accomplished” — How the President Was Done With The Pandemic Before the Pandemic Is Done With Us
Trump became disinterested with the pandemic pretty early on and ever since has been focused on his upcoming re-election rather than guiding the country through the crisis and helping us recover.
He was running victory laps just as the virus was making a comeback and the second wave was upon us.
Trump did not want to focus on the virus, he rather focus on his own desires and aspirations than the virus that has taken the lives of tens of thousands of our citizens and infected more than five million Americans, he does not have any desire to lead the country through this.
Trump does what is best for Trump, it has always been this way and whether we are in a pandemic or another time, he wants to focus on the election and feeding his over-inflated ego, not on trying to bring us through this national crisis, slow the spread, and unite the nation through one of the most trying times in our history.
The fact of the matter is that it is not mission accomplished, we are far from being at a point when we can claim victory and this because people in this country (Including and especially Trump) have refused to take this virus seriously and do simple things like wear a mask, social distance, and stay at home, and we will not see the finish line until we do those things that help us slow the spread of COVID-19.
Trump always wants to walk away from things that take the focus off of himself and what he wants, that is apparent.
Trump Let the American People Down and Now Wants Them To Trust Him with Four More Years
Trump is like the guy who steals your wallet and then will help you look for that wallet.
That is what he is doing with the 2020 election. He has let our nation down in many ways, but especially when it comes to this pandemic. He has failed so much with managing this pandemic and then he expects people to trust him and give him another term — simply unbelievable.
The last four years have been a disaster and this pandemic response has shown us just how incompetent this president is and how he is unfit to lead us forward and into the future.
For example, if he had come out and admitted that he in fact did not handle the outbreak appropriately and accepted responsibility for his failures with this crisis and the fallout, then we could have maybe given him a second change, but he did not do that.
Instead, he has chosen to deflect, deny, and blame and not own up to how his administration dropped the ball.
Now, he wants us to trust him with four more years and is completely focused on securing that second term, not on what he should be focused on which is the pandemic that is far from over and the Americans who are suffering from the virus — economically, emotionally, physically and so much more.
No, we will not trust you Donald because you do not deserve another term and another chance to manage this — you have failed us enough.
We Must Unite and Focus on How We The People Survive This Crisis, Even as We Have No Leadership
The way that I see it, if Trump will not focus on this pandemic and the health or the American people, then we the people must do just that — we must do what the President of the United States refuses to do, we do this because we care about each other.
This has been the way that it has been since he was elected, he always does what is best for him and we the people are left to act as the collective leaders of this country, we are leaders because we have no leader, not one who is competent and compassionate anyhow.
The way that this pandemic has unfolded so far shows just who are the heroes of this situation and it is not Donald Trump.
The heroes are the essential workers — The grocery store workers, the nurses, the doctors, the bus drivers, and others who put it all on the line for the country that they love.
Meanwhile, Trump is acting like everything is as normal as can be, up to his usual routine of tweeting and attacking people with no focus on the virus that is raging across the country and taking thousands of lives, he never focuses on others , look at the death of his brother.
Trump is not even taking time off of attacking people to mourn his brother’s passing, he continues attacking people and tweeting lies, conspiracy theories, and other nonsense. He takes no time off to mourn the massive loss of life due to this pandemic or even his very own brother.
The people stepping up to focus on the American people are the citizens, the citizens who vote Democratic for the most part.
We the people, not Trump, are the ones who are fighting this pandemic and focusing on the virus as we approach flu season which will make all of this worse and will put us in a much worse position. It is us who are focusing on the virus and we all have things we want to do and problems in our lives, but we are doing what is right.
The virus is not going away, but we are doing what we can to help others survive this and it is a good thing we are, the president for sure is not.