Discovering Who You are and What You Want
Even before we found ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic and all that entire situation entails, people have struggled with finding who they are discovering their place in this life. It is hard dealing with the struggles of this life and the difficult people in this world that we all are part of without the public health crisis of COVID-19, people struggle to discover who they are and what they want.
Life can be hard. It is especially hard to discover who we are when we have been so accustomed to getting our identity in people, places, and things that are outside of ourselves. It is not picnic being an adult out there in a mean and tough world, but we must learn to fly on our own and discover who we are and discover our purpose in life.
Finding one’s purpose is hard. Finding our path can be a challenge.
Life has a lot of questions and a lot of challenges for each one of us as we navigate through these problems that we face. Some of these issues that come our way are easy to work through and some are not but they all are potential roadblocks that get in our way of finding out who we are and what we desire out of this life.
Some of the problems people face in life are the following.
- Relationship Problems
- Health Problems
- Financial Issues
- Career Questions
- Addictions/Mental Health
- Blockages to Dreams and Goals
- Family Issues
These are all real problems and we must find real solutions for them.
There are always two questions to any problem.
- What is the problem?
- How do we solve it?
It is that simple. Every problem has a solution. We must find the solutions to the problems that we face and we must discover who we are and what we want in this life. When we find that we have problems in life, we must dig deep within ourselves to find our true calling and go and achieve what we were meant to achieve.
I personally find myself at a crossroads where I am about to make the hard decision to head out into the world on my own once again and make some major changes in my life and it is scary and uncertain. I have not been out in the world on my own in more than a decade and the fear is real, the fear is there, but it must be faced.
Change is hard. Anytime we get into an uncomfortable place in our lives things are going to be a challenge and this is certainly one of those times that I am facing in my life. I know that I will get through it and that I will be able to come out of it a better man, but it is hard to walk away from such a long time of things being a certain way and going into the unknown.
Finding what we want is never easy and discovering who we are is an even bigger challenge. These things do not come with directions or a manual but then again, neither does life. For us to find who we are in this life then we first must discover what drives us, what makes us happy, and sadly, what hurts us and what our weaknesses are. These all are essential in order for us to find out who we are as by finding out who we are, we also find out what we want and then figure out how to get it.
There are some challenges that get in our way of getting to know who we are and getting what we want and briefly, I will go over those.
- Fear
- Values
- Drive
Fear is a big roadblock to success in any area. When we are afraid, then we are unable to take action and action is how we achieve anything in this life and how we find our way. Fear can be a powerful emotion and can be tricky for us to navigate and to overcome, but there are tools that we all have at our feet that we can use to over fear.
Fear can stop us in our tracks and can keep us from getting the things that make us happy. The opposite of fear as we know is faith and faith can also be a powerful emotion that can propel us into change and into going for what we want.
When we have faith then we become fearless. When we have even a mustard seed of faith then fear does not seem so powerful, but when we give into the fear then we feel powerless and and we get stuck in our fear and we end up being in our own way and keep ourselves from going for the things that we want and make us happy.
We must find what matters to us. We need to dig deep and discover who we are and what are values are so that we can discover where we are going in this life and find our path. I find it true that we we create our own happiness and we can achieve great things when we find our inner strength and our own personal hero within.
Much of that inner strength comes from finding out what our values are and finding the hero within us. Many people do not have values, many of us have them and find it difficult to discover what they are as we go through the many trials of life. It is important for us to keep digging until we find these values and keep striving for better.
Discovering who we are and what we want comes down to a lot of things but most of all it comes down to drive. The drive to succeed and the drive to keep going and to never give up. Never give up on ourselves and never give up on the things that we care about no matter how hard things get or how much pain that we find ourselves in.
Drive is what it is all about. Drive keeps us going. Drive is the key.
Life is hard and life will knock you down if you do not pay attention to what is going on but we all have the inner strength to change the path that we are on and we all have a path and a purpose. I think that is what matters most, the purpose that we find throughout this hard life that we all go through and the changes that we seek to make.
Discover who you are and what you want. This is the key to the rest of life and the other questions that you may find yourself asking yourself as you move on through this journey. This life is not easy and you will struggle with pain and fear and everything in between, but the way that you become a winner and keep going is to LOOK WITHIN and KNOW WHO YOU ARE and if you can succeed at this, then you have won half the battle.
Look at who you are at your core .. learn who you are and what makes you happy.. Do this and you are on your way!