Rob Clewley
3 min readDec 17, 2019

Donald Trump continues to prove he is not who America is. He and his defenders do not represent our values. The way immigrants are treated and minorities are treated and so on do not represent who we are. The President of the United States told AMERICANS to leave AMERICA and did so in a very white nationalist way.

Let that sink in!

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That being said, what can we do some may ask as regular citizens to address the way the president behaves and how he acts towards others. It is a question that we all should ask ourselves heading into the 2020 election as if we do not make the right decision then this is who we get for another grueling four years and that is something that is not acceptable from where I sit, not sure about you.

In my last post I talked about the hate that he and those who support him put out there and this kind of adds on to that. I was going to do a post about a non Trump topic as I believe those are important as well, but when he said this yesterday it just amazed me, how the leader of the country could behave this way and talk about his fellow citizens like he does, simply amazing.

This is a man who called white nationalists who attacked protesters in Charlottesville “Very fine people” , so its not a new thing that he is publicly racist and pushes those views to the rest of us, but the fact that he would tell people to leave who are Americans just floored me and it should concern every American that the sitting president talks this way about his fellow countrymen.

Of course, this is what his supporters constantly say to me. They say, “if you don’t like it then leave”, but I find it appalling that the supposed leader of the country would talk about people in such ways and tell them to “Go back” to where they came from.

This is not who this country is and we cannot sit back and accept this as just the way things are in Trump’s America.

I know that I refuse to think this is who we are. To treat immigrants and Muslims and so many the way this xenophobic president does is disgusting and not part of our values as a nation that prides itself on diversity and inclusion. I will not sit back as our nation is literally destroyed by the hateful and racist views of Donald Trump and you should not either as we are to leave this country to our children and their children and this cannot be the message we send to our future, it just cannot be.

The values of this country are not values of hate but rather values of welcoming everyone and being inclusive of people from different places and people who do not always think like us but share that American spirit of compassion and helpfulness. This is who we are. A nation that welcomes immigrants. This is who we are. A nation that rejects hate and has a message of love and diversity.

These are the values we shall remain true to and the values that Make America Great and the country it has been.

Who Donald Trump is and the message he puts out there is not a message of hope and optimism and it certainly is not who America is. It is hateful and unkind and not who we are and we will reject it at every turn. Racism and division has no place in this country. It didn’t in the racially divided days of segregation and it doesn’t today and we must stand up and tell Trump that we are better than that!



Rob Clewley

Author, activist, American. Love to write everything from politics to recovery and much more. Find me on Twitter under my name for much more!