Four Years Ago America Made a Grave Mistake
I have not felt this way since George W. Bush made the huge mistake and took our country to war in Iraq on false information over 17 years ago, but I have decided that I must speak up and tell it like it is and how it is, is that in the first weeks of November back in 2016, our nation made a grave mistake.
We made the mistake of electing the biggest mistake in American history and as a result, we have been suffering ever since.
Now, I write a lot of articles about Donald Trump and talk about him an awful lot these days, but that is because of the messes that he has got us into over these last four years and the damage that has been done to our nation over this period of time.
I think that even if you are a Republican and have conservative values that you can see that electing Donald Trump was a huge mistake and one that our nation may not recover from for some time, if we ever recover from electing him back then.
Over the past several months, as our country has been crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic and all that has gone with it. Trump has used this crisis to prop up his 2020 election and hold press briefings that most times have nothing to do with the actual crisis and just are there for his own agenda, an agenda that is not anything helpful to this country.
But Her Emails
Trump focused a lot on Hillary’s emails throughout his campaign leading up to the election and often talks about locking her up because of these emails and yet here we are in a situation like the pandemic with all of the death and sickness and job losses that happened because of his weak response to this virus.
It is because of these supposed missing emails that millions of people made that mistake of voting for him and thus putting us in this bad situation that we are in now and why we have such chaos in our country with the virus and so much more as we sit here today.
The supporters of this guy were outraged by something as trivial as emails that they put a guy in there who has no clue what he is doing and who has led with such incompetence over these last four years and for sure would lead with even more incompetence if he is allowed to keep his job as we go into the next presidential term.
This time, it is not emails that outrage them, it is the supposed mental defects of Trump’s opponent that they are using to prop him up and tell people that he should remain president. Believe me when I say, Joe Biden does not have dementia and is not mentally defective where he cannot lead our nation going forward, not at all.
They are using this against Biden like they used emails against Hillary to justify their mistake of voting for a reality TV guy and known conman to be president and the American people fell for it once and will not fall for it this time and if we do, then our country will be in big trouble as we navigate our way through all of this.
The Pandemic Without a President
The pandemic would have been much easier to manage if we had a real leader to lead us through this crisis like we have had in past times of crisis for our country. Things would have not spiraled out of control like they have if we had a president who made the right choices, at the right times.
For instance, look at how past presidents have managed a crisis and how they dealt with difficult situations that challenge a nation and her resolve during a tough time and a time when nothing seems certain and things are falling apart as they are now.
As much as I disagreed with the whole Iraq War fiasco, Bush handled the 9/11 crisis in the weeks and months after the twin towers went down and other events with intelligence, grace, and integrity as a president should and other presidents handled their own time of national crisis in the same way like how Obama handled the H1N1 outbreak, mass shootings, hurricanes, and so on as a president should and Clinton the same.
Today, we truly are experiencing a pandemic without a president and we have no leader during this crisis.
This whole situation with this pandemic that Trump has made worse has shown us more than ever the grave mistake that our nation made when we elected Donald Trump to be our president back in 2016 and why we for sure cannot make that same mistake again.
During something like a pandemic that has claimed the lives of 150,000 of our citizens and has cost tens of millions of people to lose their jobs as well as all of the sick throughout this country, it is important that we have a sane and competent leader to guide us through and we do not, that is the sad but very real truth of it all.
The pandemic alone is a reason that we should not make this same mistake again in just a few short months. We cannot afford to have Trump be the one who “leads” us as we go deeper into this pandemic that will be with us for the foreseeable future and we cannot afford more death and sickness that his own weak actions have contributed to, we just cannot.
The Loyal Base is Sure to Make that Mistake Again
Trump’s supporters clearly are thrilled with the job that he has done over these last four years and are the ones who will be happy to vote for him and make that mistake of electing him once again.
They are loyal to a tee to him and will not turn on him, even though it is clearly obvious that this president has been the most incompetent and least qualified in the history of this country and is not fit to lead us out of crisis and into true greatness.
They do not see the damage that he has done to America and the people of this nation, and they likely never will.
These people will make the mistake again come November and they will do so because they never will see Trump for who he truly is or acknowledge the vast damage that he has done to our country over these last four years.
The people who support Trump in the way that his most loyal supporters do are never in a million years going to see him for what he is and acknowledge how bad he has been for the United States of America and will never admit to the mistake that they made four years ago, they just do not see the horrible president that he has been or the horrible things that he has done.
They are loyal. They love their guy. They just do not get it.
The Mistake of Trump May Take Decades for The United States to Recover From
The mistake of electing Donald Trump is a mistake that our nation may never be able to come back from and even before this pandemic came upon us, it was clear that Trump was unfit for office and that his actions throughout his presidency.
This will be a difficult thing for us to overcome and it will take a lot of work for us to come out of it.
Trump fundamentally changed the makeup of this country and that will be something challenging for us to overcome when all is said and done as we try and move on from him. The many ways that he has changed this country will be ways that will have a lasting impact that could last well after the upcoming 2020 election.
The way forward is with Joe Biden.
The way to fix the mistake of the 2016 election and all that has happened since then is to vote Trump out and vote Biden in. We must make a better choice in 2020 and not make the same mistake that we made four years ago and not continue to go down the rabbit hole as a nation.
Financially, socially, and morally we made a grave mistake four years ago and we must not make that same mistake again.
The bottom line is that Trump is bad for our nation and that we must make better choices going forward.
I know, it sounded cool to elect a celebrity to be the leader of the free world like people did with Reagan, but things did not work out so well with that, at least Ronald Reagan had previous experience in politics and was not insane, Trump had no experience and clearly is insane and it shows.
Failed Promises, Failed Presidency
The last four years were a huge mistake for our country and have been full of nothing but lies, broken promises, and a failure of a presidency and to re-elect Trump would cause more damage and more pain for our nation and this is not a mistake that we can afford to make.
The broken promises by this president are endless and should never be ignored.
“Mexico will pay for the wall”
“I will release my taxes. “
“I will never vacation and always be in the White House.”
“Obamacare will be gone on day one.”
The list of broken promises and false statements are endless and the failures of this president are well documented and for these reasons and so much more, we must move on from Trump and not make the mistake that our nation made four years ago again.
We have a lot going on, we have racial injustice, we have a pandemic that is out of control, we have the most divided country that our country has ever been, and much more and we need real leadership, we need it more than we ever have.
Make the right choice America, do not make the grave mistake that we made the last time yet again , our future depends on it!