History Will Remember the Complicit
The last nearly four years have not been good for this country or the American people in any way, shape, or form and no matter how many times Trump and those who support him tout his so-called accomplishments or repeat their favorite slogan of “Make America Great Again”, the fact remains that he has not been a good leader for this country.
If anyone tells you that he has been a good president or that he has made this country great, please tell them the truth that he has not been a leader and our country is less great now than we have been in more than fifty years and for sure we are not winning anything. I mean, if they think that the most divided we have ever been, more than 110,000 dead , nearly 2-million infected, and millions unemployed from a virus that their guy dropped the ball on and race riots in our streets is winning then I would hate to see what we would look like if we were losing.
None of these things are great and we for sure are not winning.
History will remember the mess that this man has created and they will most certainly remember how Republicans were complicit in the disaster that he has created throughout his time in office and how he put this country in the worst situation that we have been in for some time. History has not been kind to those who put party before country, the way that the GOP has acted by doing just that will not be looked upon fondly for some time, if ever.
Presidential historians will view this president as the least successful, the most dangerous, the least truthful, and the most divisive in American history and that is the truth. These facts are undeniable and cannot be disputed based on the evidence of what we have seen over his nearly four years in office and the things he has said and done over that period of time and the damage that has been the result.
I would like for people to see just why history will look back on the Trump presidency as the most damaging and unsuccessful in the history of not only our nation, but perhaps, the world. These words that I write on this screen are real, they are true, and they are the way things are and the way that the great historians of the world will view the presidency of Donald J. Trump when all is said and done.
We know who he is. We know what he has said and done. Let us review just who he is before we go into who is complicit in letting this clown show go on for as long as it has.
Trump has been a divider in chief, a liar in chief, and a racist in chief for the four years that he has held the highest office in the land along other horrible things. The man has done some awful things, but let us just highlight a few of them before we focus on the people who had a responsibility to call him out and hold him accountable yet failed to do so.
Divider in Chief
Trump has been by far THE most divisive president in the history of this country.
Republicans said that Obama was this but it is beyond obvious that this title goes to Donald Trump. The current president has divided this country more than any president and it is not even close. Other presidents united the nation but this one does the exact opposite and his entire platform is about dividing people and favoring his base over other Americans and it has been that way since the start.
Trump even admitted once that he is the president of his supporters and not the president of all Americans and his behavior proves that he was right when he said that.
He divides people into subgroups and puts the needs and wants of those who support him above everyone else. It is always the fault of the Democrats or someone else when he makes a mistake or says something that is wrong, he can never take responsibility or accept when he was at fault. This is how he divides the country, he places blame on others.
It is always us against them when he speaks. Trump loves to play the victim and divide the country into little subgroups and he thinks that this will be his path to victory but he is mistaken. He figured that it worked in 2016 to play the divide America game, so he is trying to once again as we approach the 2020 election with the hope that it will give him yet another victory and four more years.
Racist in Chief
Similar to his divide America plan, Trump uses racism to win votes and in a way, it is on par with his division. It is the same in some ways as the division that he does as he uses racism and division together to segregate America and win over his supporters.
Trump knows that the vast majority of his supporters are in favor of his racist rhetoric and are against Hispanics, black people, LGBTQ, and so on and his supporters by far are white, so he pushes racism as that is what they want and what keeps them coming back and he does this to divide us against them and in many ways, it has worked.
His 2016 campaign was built on racism. It was the basis for him coming to power as President of the United States and it has been a focal point of his presidency as it was a staple of his campaign when he ran against Hillary Clinton nearly four years ago.
The racism against every minority group in this country, the racist agenda of his policies, and the racist words towards everyone during his time in office have proven who he is and what he is about and history will certainly take that into account when we look back on his time as president to judge him as one of our presidents.
He is called the racist in chief because of the way he talks about everyone from black people to Mexicans and everyone in between as well as the many racist policies that he has had as president. The evidence of his racism is there for all to see and in the words that come out of his mouth and it makes you wonder about those who say he is not a racist, makes you wonder just what they are themselves.
Liar in Chief
More than 18,000 lies since he took office. That is why we call him the liar in chief and why he has been labeled the least truthful president in American history.
These numbers are high enough and then when you include the lies told by his press secretaries, his attorney general, and the many other advisors and people in his administration who also lie, that number gets even higher and shows just how this president and those around him are the least transparent administration that we have ever had.
He lies about the lies that he has already told. He lies about lies that he told on video. He lies about everything and anything that he can, the man is without a doubt incapable of telling the truth and has been the most untruthful man to not only hold the highest office in the land, but to hold any office in this nation throughout our history.
When it comes to COVID-19 he has told lies so often that it is hard to keep up with them.
It is pretty sad when there is a president who lies about a public health crisis to make himself look good as thousands of our citizens are dying. Citizens that he is charged with protecting and taking care of and who trust him to make the right decisions.
This man has lied constantly throughout his time in office. He continues to lie as we speak via Twitter, in interviews, in speeches, and even in meetings with his own advisors. He even lies about things he has no business or need to lie about, like the bunker story of how he hid in a bunker during the George Floyd protests and that is sad.
Finally, we get to his defenders for these behaviors.
There are so many who are complicit in their defense of this president and the lies, racism, and division that he is responsible for over these last four years in office.
Let us briefly go over the people who are complicit in the disaster that Trump has made out of us this country and the historic failures of his presidency that we have never seen before. These people and groups are to blame for allowing the mess of Trump and his unhinged behavior to go on for as long as it has to this point.
Trump Supporters
The number one offender. The supporters of Trump are complicit to the core and are to blame for letting him get away with hate, racism, division, and the so many lies and I say that because they are the ones who repeat these ways he acts and repeat those lies.
Trump tweets something or says something and his supporters repeat it and repeat it until it goes viral. They ignore his deplorable behaviors and allow him to get away with so much and do not care that he treats women like dirt or that he says racist things or that he has shady business dealings or any other thing that he has done that has been corrupt, criminal, and unethical over these years.
Trump supporters are right there with him doing these same things.
These people had these views before he came along and supported him because he talked about the people that they hated and supported the inhumanity that they support and this is why they love him so much as they think like he talks.
Nothing that he does phases these people. He was right when he said that he could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and not lose any support among his base. These people are the definition of choosing party over their country and they do it all of the time.
Trump supporters are responsible for Trump.
Fox News and the Right Wing Media
Fox News is basically state TV for Trump.
They defend him at every turn and are okay with him locking kids in cages or having protesters tear gassed or whatever other horrible thing that he and his administration do.
Fox and various other conservative media outlets never are hard on Trump other than a select few journalists who have integrity like former Fox head anchor, Shepherd Smith or current sane speakers, Neil Cavuto and Chris Wallace.
These people are not the echo chamber that Trump wants and they call him out and he does not like that. He likes when people praise him and enable his crimes, corruption, and lies like Sean Hannity does and will turn on those who speak the truth about him.
Fox, Breitbart, and others like them are complicit in allowing the madness and insanity of Trump to continue. Trump gets away with a lot because of the media on the right and will continue to if he is allowed to speak and act in such awful ways without these networks being called out for their defense of his actions.
He calls the media “fake” but it is the echo chambers that are complicit in his corruption and lies that are fake, not the media outlets who tell the truth about what is happening in his White House and how he is the most corrupt and criminal president in American history.
Republican Politicians
Finally, we have his pals in D.C. who are complicit in his criminal and corrupt presidency.
The Senators and other lawmakers in the Republican Party are the ones who have enabled Trump since the very beginning.
They chose not to follow the evidence in the Russia investigation and the impeachment hearings and cover up for him. They choose to look the other way when he breaks the law and fails to live up to his oath of office and they are complicit in his corrupt presidency and history will remember them when the time comes the most for these reasons.
History will not be kind to these Republicans.
History will remember that these GOP politicians chose party over country and Trump over the United States Constitution when it all was on the line and when we were in a pandemic with Americans dying, millions sick, and so many more out of work and suffering. It will be these lawmakers who will be held accountable by history when all is said and done as being responsible for allowing this president to get away with so much.
From ignoring his human rights abuses of immigrants and even our very own people to his many times he broke the Constitution to his lies to his failure to put the American people first and so much more. History will remember that it was Republicans that looked the other way with these things and it was them who chose Trump over America.
In Closing
Let us remember that his supporters, the right-wing media, and the GOP failed to do as Trump always claims to do and put “America First” when it came to Trump.
They always chose protecting Trump over protecting America and the many vulnerable people of this country. They even choose Trump over the values of this country and even choose him over the Constitution of the United States and then have the audacity to call themselves “Patriots” and that is the biggest shame of all.
The biggest clue to the fact that they are not patriots is that they fly Trump flags rather than U.S. flags.
That says it all about where they allegiance is.
These people and groups are COMPLICIT in the coup that has taken place in front of our very eyes in regard to this “president” and his takeover of this once great nation and our values. They are just as much to blame for the human rights violations, the inhumanity, the cruelty, the corruption, and so much more that this president and those around him have done since he came into power.
History will NOT forget that and neither will patriotic Americans.