Lessons Learned from Time with Furry Friends
I spend a lot of time with animals and I learn from my time with these furry creatures and this time has given me a lot of valuable lessons about myself, life, and this world.
I walk dogs at the shelter and they always teach me lessons about happiness and what it means to be at true peace with yourself and where you are at in this journey we all are on. These precious pups have hard lives and go through a lot both before they ended up in the shelter as well as the hard life of being locked up all of the time.
These dogs teach me and my cats that I have teach me equally as important lessons about who I am, what I want, and what is important in life as well as many other lessons along the way in this life that at times can be challenging and difficult.
The lessons we learn are lessons that we do not learn from people, or least not in the way that people normally learn from others. The way that I learn from animals is that they teach me the principles of life and show me what is most important in this journey that we call life.
True Love — The Kind that We Feel in Our Soul
The lesson of true love is a lesson that I learned from furry pals and it is a lesson that we all should learn.
I learned this lesson by being loved by animals throughout my life and see how they react to me and others who they love. This is the most important lesson that we learn from animals, and they are for sure the best ones to teach this lesson as they know what it is.
They love you no matter you do or who you are. These animals are there when nobody else is.
True love is what the human-animal bond is all about, and this kind of love is unconditional and undying. I know for me, the love that I feel from animals is unlike any other, it teaches me to show that true love to others and although I do not do this perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I certainly do my best to do so.
True love is what animals give, even when they do not get it in return, they just love us and that is a gift.
Loyalty — Friends for Life
Similar to true love, loyalty is another lesson that we learn from our furry friends that is a lesson all humans should learn and one that helps us to grow and give back to the world.
All animals, but especially dogs, are loyal friends and I call them friends for life as that is what they are.
In good times and bad, animals are always there for us and will stand by us when nobody else will or does. I know from my experience spending time with dogs that they are loyal to a lot of people, but these canine friends are usually known to gravitate to a single person and that is who they usually are loyal towards.
I am sure that you have heard the term, “A man’s best friend” to describe a dog and this is for sure an accurate description when discussing our four- legged pals and their loyalty. These dogs are loyal and best friends to their humans and will always be by their side, in good times and bad, they are loyal to a tee.
Cats are loyal too, in fact, animals altogether are loyal furry friends and will always be by your side.
Animals teach loyalty to us just like they have given us the lesson of true love and what those things mean to these creatures are everything, it means that they love and trust us and will do anything for us and these are lessons that we all should learn and teach others during these times, or at any time at all.
Live in the Moment — We Only Have Today, Animals Teach This
Life is about living and we can only live one moment at a time, we cannot live in other moment than this one we are in now and animals live this principle better than any one of God’s creatures, they certainly do it better than we in the human world do it.
Animals live in this moment we are in right now and they do it with grace and joy.
If you ever watch a dog, cat, or other animal play or do anything else, you will see that they are not regretful on what has happened in their past or worried about what tomorrow can bring like we humans are, but they are just focused on what they are doing at that time and do not have a care in the world, this is how we should live.
They could definitely teach us some valuable lessons about how to live life in many ways , but I think this lesson is the one that we humans could benefit the most from these fluffy friends of ours, we could learn to live in not just one day at a time, but one moment at a time.
This is what is so precious about animals, they do not worry about what is about to come or stay trapped in what has already happened, instead they simply live in a moment by moment reality. Dogs, cats, and other animals are like little spiritual creatures and stay focused on today.
Fearless Warriors — Nothing Phases Them
Animals are fearless. They do not worry about what is going to happen if they try something risky or scary, hence the previous lesson, they live in the here and now and have no fear of what is on the way.
Animals do not fear rejection, they do not fear failure, they are just fearless warriors and it shows.
Our fur pals are teaching us lessons every time they do something as they do so without hesitation and without regret. They simply take action and worry about the results later and this is why they fear no rejection or failure, they take action and leave it at that.
I love this about animals, wait a minute, I love everything about animals, but this is a plus.
Fear is something that humans really struggle with so this is a lesson that we really could use to learn and animals are the best teachers of this, they know how to be fearless and they know how to just act without any second thoughts on what is to come.
I know that these lovable beings have taught me a lot, and the lesson of not living in fear is one of those lessons.
What Grudge? — They Forget and Forgive .. Most Things
Humans could sure learn this lesson. The lesson of letting things go, especially grudges.
Animals will never forget when you have abused them or harmed them or their offspring, but the little things that humans get so wrapped up in and hold long-time grudges over, an animal would never hold on to, they just do not care about that stuff.
They are easy to forgive and even forget when we or even other animals act stupid, they move on.
If you forget to feed your husband or your child then you will likely hear about it for weeks and weeks, but if you forget and accidentally leave your cat in the bedroom that you forgot was in there or do not give the dog that fourth treat then they likely will let it go and will just be happy when you do those things the next time.
These are lessons that we humans could learn. The ability to dismiss the small stuff and focus on what is important.
This brings me back to a previous lesson, living in the here and now, a thing that animals do very well. They are all about the here and now, they are not really about what we did not do or how we did not live up to their extremely unreasonable expectations of us.
They just do not hold on to these things and that is something that we for sure could learn from.
The Lesson in All of This Is …
The big lesson is that we can learn a lot from our smarter, kinder, and more sensible furry companions on this earth and when we let them teach us a thing or two, then life seems to be better and the world becomes a happier and kinder place.
Just imagine if animals ruled things, imagine how much better our world would be.
These are just some simple things that we can learn from dogs, cats, and just about any other animal. These things are lessons that will make us better at life and happier at the same time and they are lessons that will make this life easier for us and give us more peace and less stress and show us a better and more serene way to live.
The real lesson in it all is that these furry gems are not only teachers, they are our equals and should be treated as such.
So, the next time you are cuddling up with your cat or talking your doggie best friend for a walk, pay attention and focus on what they are doing, you just may learn something and that lesson just may make your life easier and the world a better place.