Roasting Donald Trump at the DNC

Rob Clewley
7 min readAug 22, 2020


We all thought that the Democratic National Convention would lack the excitement and power talks that past events have had because of the fact of it being a virtual event due to COVID-19, but the event over the last week has been more than powerful and entertaining and part of that is the owning of the President of the United States.

Yes, Donald Trump got roasted in an onslaught of the truth and his failure of a presidency being exposed for what it is.

This is what we all have been waiting for and it was almost as good as the tweets that followed the roast of this president that as expected, followed these speeches that called him out for his lackluster presidency and for his inadequacy and incompetence over these last four years.

Now, this is not the first time that Trump has been roasted, but this time it was not done in humorous fashion, but as a patriotic duty of speaking the truth and exposing his failures as president and for the ways that he has dragged this country down over the last few years and the corruption and criminality of his time in office.

Trump was of course roasted by then President Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner and just as was the case on his Twitter feed this time, he did not like it back then either, he was not amused by what was being said about him, but of course not, nobody likes the truth when that truth exposes their misgivings.

This roast was about the failures of this president on the pandemic, with his policies, and with his morality as a president and as a human being and I have to tell you, it was long overdue and something that should have happened a long time ago.

In Unprecedented Fashion, the Predecessor Goes After a Sitting President of the United States

Barack Obama as always spoke like a champion when he made the case for Joe Biden in his convention speech, but more than that, he laid into Trump in a calculated and truthful way and Trump was not happy with this, especially since Barack has roasted the president before.

Obama hit several key points about Trump in this speech he made supporting Joe Biden and it is important that we cover them.

Barack said that Trump will never come into the presidency, because he can’t and that our nation will pay for the price for that failure and this here, this hit the nail on the head and is absolutely true and truly tells the story of the last four years.

Trump was never prepared for this moment and Obama touched on that several times in that speech. The former president roasted Trump and not in a comical way, but in a way that tells the story of who Trump is and who Trump is not.

Another thing that Obama said that was true was when he said this about Trump, “He no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.”

Bingo — This is how Trump has managed the last four years and really, how he has treated everything in his life and this is something that will never change with the man often referred to as “The Donald”. President Trump may get mad at Obama for his harsh (truthful) words, but what he cannot say is that what Obama said is not true.

Barack went on to say that Donald Trump does not treat people with the respect, dignity, and decency that they deserve and once again, the 44th President of the United States was correct, whether the 45th President of the United States likes it or not.

This roast was the most spot on assessment of Trump that I have heard to date and it told the story of a man who was never the right one for the job and who treats the office of the presidency like a game show or more than that, a clown show where we are the audience witnessing a failed performance by a failed president.

Now, Obama has roasted Donald before as I mentioned, but that was a joke, this was serious. Also, Barack has called the current president out in the past on his actions, but this time he called him by name and held nothing back in his review of the Trump presidency, an administration that has completely failed the American people.

Hillary Got in Her Shots at Trump and Hit Him Where it Hurts Him the Most, His Fragile Ego

Hillary got in her digs at Trump too during the Democratic National Convention too and it was long overdue because after all, he has been attacking her for more than four years and in fact wanted to have her locked up.

The part that was the best was when she said for people to make sure they vote for Biden because you can win by millions of votes and still lose in the election.

She knows this well because beat Trump by more than three million votes and still lost the election.

Just like Barack Obama suggested , she went on to say that her former political opponent and one time friend was not up to the task of being in the position that he holds and even went on to say the following, “America needs a president who shows the same compassion, determination, and leadership in the White House that we see in our communities.”

Just added, “I wish Donald Trump had been a better president. Because America needs a better president than this.”

These are fiery words from a woman who has a history of triggering Trump and his supporters and who should be our president based on how things went in that election, and they are words that are factual and tell the story of who Donald Trump is.

Joe Biden Hits Trump Hard and Gives the Speech of His Life

Trump and his supporters often accuse Joe of having dementia and not having the competence to lead the country, but after he accepted the nomination for the chance to take on Donald Trump in the general election in just 74 days from now, Joe showed that he is the real deal.

Joe let Trump have it in that speech and roasted the current occupant of the White House like he never has been taken on before.

I mean, Joe got up there and and spoke with eloquence and honesty about how Trump has failed with this pandemic and how his entire presidency has been a disaster, while also talking about his own vision for the country that he loves.

Biden has been known to have some uncomfortable gaffs and mishaps in previous speeches, but not this time, this time he gave a near perfect speech aimed at the man who he is trying to fight for the soul of this country and beat in the election of the century.

In this speech, Biden said the following about Trump.

“The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division.”

He went on to say, “Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the light not of the darkness.”

This is what Joe needed and this is for sure what America needed, we needed hope and Biden gave it to us.

In this speech, Joe also said, “That’s the job of a president. To represent all of us, not just our base or our party. This is not a partisan moment. This must be an American moment.”

This was profound, Joe was talking about how the President of the United States should be lifting the country up, not dragging the people of the nation down like Trump does and the truth of it all is that Joe Biden is the one who will lift us up, the current president has never done that.

Joe owned Trump in this speech on a night when that was the theme, owning the man who thinks he is flawless.

The Post Convention Tweets by Trump Told the Story of the Night

Trump was not happy with the words about him by the three mentioned here as well as many others over the four nights of the convention and he did as he always does when he is unhappy, he tweeted and he tweeted and he showed his fury.

In these tweets he lied about the things that were said about him at he DNC and bashed the people who were exposing him.

This is Donald Trump, this is who he is.

The fact of the matter is that Biden, Obama, Hillary and so many others told America and the world who the real Donald Trump is and what his presidency has been all about over these last four years and especially during this public health crisis.

Yet, Trump tweets and lies and attacks, he does this because he knows what was said about him at the convention was not a roast, but it was the truth about who he is and how he has governed since he took office as President of the United States.

The point in all of this is that Trump was roasted with truth and facts and that never sits well with him or his supporters.



Rob Clewley
Rob Clewley

Written by Rob Clewley

Author, activist, American. Love to write everything from politics to recovery and much more. Find me on Twitter under my name for much more!

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