The Decline of America Ends On November 3rd
The last nearly four years have shown us a lot of things about our country, the man who was elected president, and the people who support him and who voted for him.
They have shown us two nations within one and have shown us just who the man they call ‘The Donald” is and also who the people who proudly like to be called “Deplorables” are, but they have also revealed who we are and what we are all about.
When I say “We”, I mean the rest of America — the sane and smart part of this nation.
Trump has sent this country down a destructive and dangerous path by his actions over the course of his first term in office and despite what those who support him say, he will never put this country first and he will never do what is best for the American people and that is because he never has put anyone’s needs above his own.
Our country has been on a decline since he took office and if he remains in office, that will continue.
For those who are awake and paying attention to what is going on in this country now and over the last four years, it is time for us to end the failed experiment of the reality TV guy and get someone in office who puts the people first and not their own ego.
Biden Vs Trump Is Sanity and Education Vs Chaos and Idiocy
This pretty much sums up what we are voting for in this election that is coming up here shortly.
The Trump presidency has been a chaotic mess filled with failures and idiotic statements as well as a general disregard for the law and integrity and that is simply not something we can have in this nation yet is something that we have a lot of.
Trump likes to say things that make no sense and likes to come up with off the wall conspiracy theories. The way that he runs the presidency and the nation is not how it should be run and is certainly not how the country will be run if Joe Biden wins in November, not even close.
Joe would lead with intelligence and calmness, two things that we have not had with Trump over the last four years. In fact, we have had quite the opposite since Trump took over as President of the United States back in January of 2017.
We have had a chaotic disaster since Trump took over, a situation that we never thought we would see in our nation and come this November we have a decision to make. We must choose between more of this chaos and insanity or to go in the direction of intelligence and sanity.
The last four years have not been sane or even close. The last four years have been full of insane press conferences, lies, attacks, and so much more by this administration and for us to be better and do better, we must go in a different direction.
The “Make America Great Again” Plan Has Not Panned Out
Trump ran on the promise to “Make America Great Again” and claims that he did, but the evidence shows that we are less great now than we have been in many decades.
I mean, look around — do we look great?
189,000 COVID deaths, more than 6 million infections, millions unemployed, racial injustice and riots all across this country, and the most divisive that our nation has ever been.
We are far from great and Trump continues to make us less so by his repeated ridiculous and absurd comments and claims.
Just look at what he said about the virus, he said that it would vanish and that all would be well by April and look at where we are at here in the month of September with these numbers of the death and the rising COVID-19 cases throughout this country.
The virus certainly has not gone away and America for sure is not great with him in charge.
Even before the virus came upon us, there was nothing great about how Trump has run this country. We have had an untruthful message from him and his administration from the start, locking kids up in cages, constant racism and xenophobia, and corruption that puts him and his family first while steals from the American people.
The policies of Trump have been just as deplorable as his words that come out of his mouth and this has been a presidency of disaster and not of making the United States of America great or even good.
I have a few slogans and they all will come true if/when Joe Biden takes over as President of the United States.
Make America Smart Again! Make America Sane Again! Make America Great Again!
The Decline of the Truth and of the American Way of Life Under Donald Trump
Our nation has fallen, we have fallen far over these last four years with Trump as our president.
The decline that our country has been on is well documented and tells the story of the man “leading” the country since the winter of 2017 and for sure over the last several months during the most trying time that our country has faced since the attacks of September 11th, 2001.
We have declined morally, ethically, and in almost every way that a country can decline over these last few years.
The fact is, we will never be our best with Trump as our president and if he could not become a leader during a crisis like with this pandemic then he never will grow into the job as President Obama stated during his speech at the Democratic National Convention.
Our way of life has become a thing of the past with him in office and it will not suddenly get better if he is re-elected and will in fact get worse if he is granted four more years. Just think about it, if Trump gets another term then he will have free reign to do as he pleases and be more corrupt and inhumane than he has ever been as there will be nothing to lose for him.
We simply cannot let that happen, we cannot let this man destroy our nation and way of life more than he already has.
Yes, we are on the decline, but we can overcome if we make a different choice in the upcoming election and that choice is obvious, it is none other than Joe Biden.
Joe will end the decline of our country and bring us back to a nation that is both decent and sensible. Biden will give us hope once again like he did when he was part of the Obama team that gave people healthcare, treated others with respect and dignity, and took a crisis like what we have now serious and took steps to address it.
The Biden/Harris team will bring back hope to America and end the decline of our homeland.
November 3rd, 2020 is Our Time, It is Our Time to Take Back Our Country and Rise Again
We can be that country again. We can be great again.
Trump supporters may be confident that he will be re-elected as the President of the United States, but we cannot let that happen. We must vote and end this decline of our nation, this is our moment and our chance to restore of America once again- before it is too late.
The decline of our country has been something that we never thought that we would see but it has been something that has plagued us for the last four years and will continue to bring us down if Donald Trump is given four more years in the Oval Office.
We cannot allow that to happen and this is why we must put aside our feelings and everything and vote for Joe.
Joe can end the decline and address the pandemic like it should be addressed, with science and with common sense. Joe can end the racism and hate and make sure it is never spoken from the White House. Joe can restore human decency and humanity to the office of the presidency once again and put integrity back into our government.
For all this and more is why we must choose the team of Biden and Harris to lead us out of the darkness and into the light.
Stop the decline of America and vote blue on November 3rd!