The Party of Trump is the Other Virus
The past few years have been chaotic and intense to say the least with the number of things Trump has done against our country and our values. I must say however, Trump may be bad for America but his supporters are the ones who created the mess that we are seeing, they created Trump.
Trump was merely a business man and TV personality who had a tendency to say rude and off the wall things, but once he came up with the outrageous lie that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, something happened. It created a culture of hate that we had not seen before, or at least we had not seen in many, many years. It brought racism back to this country and started a campaign of hate against a sitting president.
In doing so, it made the once third party candidate who had no chance to win even a primary, a candidate who actually had a chance to become president and that is how we got Donald Trump as President of the United States. His vile words against then President Obama gave him his fanbase that we see today, and that was just the start of what we now know as Trumpism.
It was the beginning actually. The Islamophobia, racism, homophobia, sexism, and the like were soon to follow and Trump supporters would defend these things while claiming that they do not exist. They repeat the things that their dear leader says or tweets and refuse to call him out on his lies and propaganda. You see, the creation of the Trump “Make America Great Again” movement was based on a lie, that lie that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
Since then, Trump has admitted indeed Obama was born within the United States, but not a second before building an entire movement based on that falsehood. His supporters are extremely loyal and in many ways gullible, they believed the original fake news that Obama was born outside of the United States and continue to believe that it is true, even though Donald has admitted that he was indeed born here.
This started it all and created his base while making his 2016 election victory a possibility. There are many of his fans who believe everything that he says as these people are very easy to manipulate and that is exactly what he does. He will say or tweet something and his supporters will believe it like it was the word of God. They do not fact check any of what he says and will use the things he says to form their own opinions, instead of checking the facts from unbiased sources unrelated to Trump.
In Trump’s America, facts do not matter and the truth is a foreign concept. I must say that it is rare for him to speak the truth and even more rare for his fans to call him out on his fake news and lies. These people have created a country where decency no longer matters and where the truth is a thing of the past. In just a brief period of time we have seen a fear and hate based movement takeover and now live in a country where fake news and propaganda rules the country, and in some ways we only have ourselves to blame.
You see, his supporters never fact check anything he says or does. they simply believe everything that comes out of his mouth and never seem to hold him accountable. They simply want him to undo everything that Barack Obama did and do not care if it is good for America or not, and trust me when I say this, Donald Trump has done nothing good for this nation and his legacy is one of division and hate, just like what his supporters are doing to this country and all that we stand for, every single day.
This is Trump’s America folks. A society where the truth does not matter and where fake news has been used to manipulate and indoctrinate a nation. It is quite sad that this man has been allowed to conduct himself in such a way and that his loyal supporters do not call him out of his bad behavior, it is quite sad. More than that, the lies and propaganda that these folks buy truly amazes me, he will lie or send out one of his press people to do the lying for him and those who support him do not even bat at eye, they buy those lies.
This is what we have and this is Trump’s America. The virus of hate, lies, and division.
Now, that we are in one of the worst pandemics our world and country have ever seen, the lies and hate continue and they continue when we should be supporting each other and coming together as one country absent of any political ideology to support one another in this crisis that has taken so many lives and cost so much to us all.
It was bad enough that Trump was racist and hateful with immigrants, the LGBTQ, and others but now he is using his nonsense lies to spread fake cures for this pandemic and virus and his supporters believe it. He is a virus and his ideology is dangerous and insane and he is promoting it daily on national television, which is even worse.
Look at his response to the pandemic. Look at his decisions with this virus and our response. It makes him look more out there than he looked before and trust me, he was out there. We could have forgiven the making fun of the disabled reporter, the racism towards almost every ethnic group in this nation, the collusion with Russia, the lies, and the overall clown show in the White House over the last four years if he had only taken this virus like the serious thing that it is, but he failed on that too.
The sad part is that his supporters give me free pass after free pass and ignore his crimes and his lies and even with this virus response that he has absolutely butchered, they let it go and prove to the world that morals and doing the right thing do not matter to these people as they only care about one thing and that is winning elections.
We have a real problem in this country. That problem is Donald Trump and Trumpism.
Today we are divided more than we have been in our history and much of it has to do with the election of Donald Trump. His supporters and him divide us into little groups and have an “us vs them” attitude but the division goes much deeper than that and the hate that we discussed in the previous chapter has us asking the simple question, how did we get to this place.
We are divided in several ways. The division is along racial lines, politics, on important issues that have always been divisive but are more so now like gun control, women’s rights, immigration, and much more. Today we live in a very different country than we have in previous times throughout our history and the divisions we face are ones that could end up tearing our nation apart.
I remember after the tragic events of September 11th, 2001 there was a saying that was being circulated that said, “United we stand, divided we fall” and that so rings true. We were a united nation after that horrific day and remained that way for a bit, but it was not long before our divisions and differences as Americans once again began to tear us apart and today, they do that more than they ever have before.
This is different though. We did not have a president in previous years who helped create the divisions that we see in today’s America like Trump does and we did not have a president who holds rallies specifically aimed at dividing the masses and getting his supporters into a frenzy where they begin to blame the groups he tells them to for their problems.
We have fallen far from the days of Obama and even Bush where the president would treat people with kindness and despite political differences they may have had, lift people up and unite the country.
In our country today we have become severely divided to the point where people even are disowning family members because they either support Trump or they do not support him and when things get that bad, then you know that you have a real divided country.
When family members cannot set aside their political differences and talk to each other then you know it is bad. That is what we have under Trump and our nation today in mid 2019 (the current time of this writing), people disagree so much on what is going on and the divisions are so deeply rooted that they are willing to let go of lifelong family relationships for their political beliefs.
The kind of country we have become is one the end you have the Fox watching, Trump supporting anti humanitarians who claim to be Christians and on the other side you have liberals who believe in helping others, who watch real news programs, who lift people up and have true values of Christ.
Now, I know that may sound biased and maybe it is, but I just call it how I see it and I just do not see anything of positive value that the Trump side and today’s Republicans offer this country, I just don’t.
The country is divided. I am guilty of it at times as well but much of this was begun by Trump and his desire to get what he wants no matter what the cost is, and he continues to operate this way to this day. It does not matter to him who it hurts or how it damages the nation as long as it financially and politically serves his own best interests and that is just who he is.
The division and other nonsense was worse before but now with the pandemic it has become even worse.
Americans are dying because of the weak and failure of a response that his administration has had. His solutions are that out of a comedy flick. He blames others for the failings of his administration on the virus and all else in this country and yet his supporters back him over their fellow Americans who are sick from COVID-19, homeless, and broken and that makes it all worse as we try and figure this all out.
We call out his failures and his lies because we care about this country and we care about the TRUTH. He uses lies to manipulate his base to push back against the truth that we seek to come out. Those of us who care about America and what is best for our country are not the ones dividing this nation and making us mentally and spiritually and now physically sick — it is TRUMPISM and this “president” and his base that are doing that.
Vote BLUE in November to change that.