The United States of Trump

Rob Clewley
7 min readJun 21, 2020


Bill O’Reilly wrote in his book with the same title about all things Trump but painted a much rosier picture of Trump and Trump’s America than what the reality is and what we have experienced with him as President of the United States.

Bill wrote about how his goal was to see Trump as “a real person” rather than someone who the “haters’ and “phonies” have made him into. To paraphrase Bill, he wanted to “humanize” Trump rather than look into his policies and finances, but this article by the same title as that book will not do any of that fantasy stuff — it will tell the truth about the United States of Trump.

Our country is very different under Trump than it has been under any other president and there are several reasons for this.

Trump has made his presidency into a brand and even a known Trump apologist and supporter like O’Reilly can admit that if he is honest about what is going on here. No presidency in our history has ever become as materialized as this one has, with hats and mugs and flags all bearing one thing and that is Trump.

“Make America Great Again?”

The Make America Great Again hats, yard signs, and flags have been popping up everywhere throughout these last four years, the rallies happen sometimes a few times a month, there are websites dedicated to Trump, and even people are having weddings with Trump has the theme.

It is obvious that his supporters are obsessed with him and he is obsessed with the fame he gets from it all.

Nowhere do you see it about America like it should be, it is always about his brand and him and never about the United States. Trump does not even care about his supporters but needs them for votes and will use them to get those votes at any cost, even if he endangers their lives to get his message across and be re-elected.

We are seeing this very thing with the rally this evening in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the middle of this pandemic.

The rally is going on despite health concerns by public health officials that the virus may spread even more than it already has even as six trump staffers have tested positive for the virus. It is no surprise though as as it has always been about what Trump wants and what will best serve him and his own interests and never what is best for the American people.

Even as the virus has spread out of control throughout the country, he stands there trying to make himself look better and that has always been who Trump has been and during a pandemic when he should put aside his own needs and wants for the needs and wants of the country. Trump has one goal and that is despite a pandemic killing tens of thousands of Americans, racial unrest, and more, there is only one thing that matters to him and that is winning.

It doesn’t matter if America is losing as long as Trump is winning.

That is what the United States of Trump is all about — Trump winning and at any cost.

That is what the flags, hats, and more are all about. They are promoting Trump instead of promoting America. The Trump products are proof of the division Trump has pushed and the slogans he uses are similar to the slogans other dictators or wannabe dictators have used in the past and those are not the only similarities Trump has to them.

Hitler used Make Germany Great Again and blamed Jews and others for the problems of Germany, similar to Trump’s slogan of Make America Great Again and how he blames immigrants and Democrats for the problems of America, problems that he and those in his party created. The similarities are endless between him and the German leader and that is what is scary.

Those who crave power the most are the ones who mimic the words and actions of previous power hungry dictators and Trump is no exception to this rule. Then there is the fact that he is not even original in his slogan that has brought him to power, other U.S. presidents have used that slogan, most notably being Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

Neither of them tried to profit off the slogan like Trump has though.

Today, instead of seeing American flags on cars we are seeing Trump flags on them and instead of people with USA pics on their Facebook and Twitter pages, they have Trump pictures. These people who support Trump like to call themselves “Patriots” yet they are not being patriotic for the United States but are being loyal to Trump and always will be.

The United States of Trump is not about the United States, it is about Donald Trump.

Just look at the rallies that he holds. He makes them all about how everyone is unfair to him and how he is the victim and does not talk about how he is going to unite the country and make us a stronger and better nation. These events are all about who is mean to him and the things he thinks are “fake” about our country — like the media.

At the Tulsa rally that likely just ended (I watched all I could stomach, a few minutes) he talked about how all the people causing problems in this nation are Democrats and how they use COVID-19 to make life harder for him and his agenda. This rally was not about the country, it was about Trump and his supporters and it had all the usual insults and attacks he always does at his rallies.

Trump supporters have made him into some kind of rockstar or superhero at these events and they praise him like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ or something. Trump will get up on stage and the crowd will cheer and do their usual chants against a specific group that they think makes their lives miserable and so goes the rally — chants of hate, lies, and propaganda like what their hear on Breitbart and Fox.

This president has become a martyr in his own mind of persecutions against his supporters that do not exist. He claims that Democrats are trying to take away their freedoms and their rights when it is he and them who are doing that and who persecute minorities, immigrants, and others and have been doing so for a very long time.

It is time to become the United States of America again and leave behind the fake president and his hate group supporters.

I know, people may think that I am being too harsh and that I should be more tolerant of his supporters, but if it quacks like a duck then it is a duck, there is no way around it.

They are a hate group.

They want to take about Antifa and Black Lives Matter as hate groups (they are not) yet ignore the hate that they and their president put out there on a daiy basis in the United States of Trump. I hear them accuse me and other liberals of being “haters” and “anti-America” all of the time while they flat out ignore the hate and anti -America agenda of their president.

The United States of Trump is not a place that is inclusive for all Americans and is for sure not a place that will prosper this nation into the future in any way at all. The nation that exists today under Trump is a nation where hate and lies thrive and the truth and peace are a thing of the past and that is just how he likes it.

The way forward is to vote for Joe Biden and make this country sane, kind, and smart again.

Joe is the one who has the experience and compassion to lead us out of this mess that is the United States of Trump. Joe Biden would not deflect, deny, and blame others when a crisis came up and he certainly would not try to lie his way out of problems that he created and that is what Trump does and that is who Trump is.

The way forward is to forget about the failed experiment of electing a non-politician to lead a country and vote for someone with decency, humanity, and a track record of proven leadership during the worst economic and public health crisis of our time.

The one to move us from the United States of Trump to become the United States of America once again is Joe Biden and the Democratic Party as the one who said “Only I can fix this” has been the one to create the worst mess we have ever seen and WE the people are the ones who will fix it!



Rob Clewley
Rob Clewley

Written by Rob Clewley

Author, activist, American. Love to write everything from politics to recovery and much more. Find me on Twitter under my name for much more!

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