Trump and the Decline of a Nation
On that Tuesday in November of 2016 when Donald Trump was elected we knew that things could get bad, we did not not just how bad they could get and just divided our nation could become.
Now we know.
The campaign that he ran and the presidency that came from that campaign was built on racism, lies, hate, and division. It continues to this day and it has become worse with the passing of each day.
The presidential election in 2016 was one we will remember forever, it will be remembered for being a hard fought battle but more than that, that election will be remembered as the election that changed the moral fabric and political landscape of our nation for years to come. It will be remembered as an event that gave us the most corrupt and criminal presidents in American history.
There have been so many shameful moments by Trump throughout his nearly four years in office and I am sure that there will be many more for as long as he is allowed to remain in office. In fact, today alone there have been some developments that shown just how heartless this administration can be, even at a time like this.
The report today is that Attorney General William Barr ordered police to push back peaceful protesters with tear gas from Lafayette Square in Washington D.C. concerned us all. This action was just the latest human rights violation from an administration and a president with four years of them and it was not even the first time they have used tear gas to get what they want.
This time they did it to push back protesters so that Trump could have his photo-op at a church with the Bible. The time they did it before was to keep immigrant children back from the border and push that anti-immigrant agenda that he has pushed for so long and both times it was inhumane and immoral.
In both of these cases Trump used his power to tear gas children for an ulterior motive and that is not what we are about in America nor is it something that a Christian would do. This is not who America is nor is it who we should ever be, this is part of the cancer in this country that has existed since he took over.
Over the last four years we have seen a lot of horrible and shameful things come from this president, but especially in the last four or five months have we declined in such a rapid way that we are left wondering just how we got here and where do we go from here. It is certainly not a country that is great or winning by any stretch of the imagination and I seriously anyone who has the mentality that America is great at this point.
I mentioned the tear gas episodes with the protesters and in the past with immigrants, but these are not isolated incidents. Trump has had a history of inhumane actions as President of the United States, this is not anything new for him at all.
His treatment of immigrants has been a clear example of his mistreatment of human beings, one of many. It is this mistreatment of undocumented folks that has outraged human rights groups around the globe and it is one of the ways he has operated that has continued throughout his time in office and has not ceased.
Locking kids in cages like he has done has been one of the deplorable ways that he has governed and a way that should outrage every American in this country yet sadly, his supporters are not outraged and even applaud this type of “leadership” that he displays. This is concerning to say the least, this is what they call “winning” and that should be something that outrages us all.
Trump has shown a lot of inhumanity since he took office almost four years ago. He does things that are not what a president should do and then he goes and blames everyone under the sun for those actions, and his supporters always do one thing, they defend his actions by doing the same blame game towards others.
During this pandemic he has dismissed the threat of the COVID-19 virus that has caused so much death and sickness within our country by saying that the deaths we have had are a good thing by claiming that more deaths means we are doing a good job at testing. This line of thinking is not only disrespectful towards those who have died, but it goes against all logic and truth because the testing has not been good at all.
There have been other things that he has done that are inhumane during his time in office. There has been a lot and there will be more the longer he is allowed to remain in office. The pandemic has shown his inhumanity on several levels. He does not care about about the loss of life and is willing to sacrifice those lives for his precious economy and for votes and he has shown to choose politics over life.
From the mistreatment of immigrants, his comments about African American countries, making fun of the disabled and other vulnerable people, taking healthcare and food stamps away from the poor, comments about carpet bombing children in Muslim countries, and so much more, we have learned one thing about Donald Trump over the years, we have learned that he has a black heart and no humanity.
Trump has shown that he cannot lead this country. His lack of competence throughout the years and especially with the pandemic and the race riots happening across this nation prove that. It was the perfect time for him to stop with the petty fights with the media and his so-called enemies and become the leader that this country needs but he refused to grow up and become that leader we need.
He threatens to have peaceful protesters shot by their own government and has divided the country more than ever during this time of crisis with the pandemic and the George Floyd situation and the ensuing riots that are in our streets. This is not leadership and at a time when we need leadership the most that we ever have, it would be nice if we had a president who was competent and had an idea of what we was doing.
Sadly, the truth is that we have a guy in charge who has no idea what he is doing and who for 3 years and 134 days has done nothing but divide, lie, deflect, and attack. This is what he has done because this is who he is and who he has always been.
It is time for us all to acknowledge that this president is incompetent and lacks both the ability to lead as well as the ability to comfort a nation. It is this lack of leadership that he is exhibiting during such a trying time for our people that people should remember when November rolls around and when the time to vote for a competent leader who will lead us in the future is at last here.
Donald Trump is not capable of telling the truth and this is something that even his diehard supporters should be able to admit, even if they do not want to do so. This is a fact of the matter that has been the case since he came into the picture when he was running for office and has remained as the years have passed throughout his first term.
His supporters and defenders claim that he is the most transparent and honest president in history when in fact he is the least. He lies and spreads fake news stories and propaganda and then his supporters call those very lies the truth and at the same time attack “liberal media” for speaking the actual truth and giving the American people the real facts.
The decline in America has been happening for four years and the main way we have declined is in the trustworthy and truth factor. It is sad but true that we can no longer believe our president or the people around him and what they are telling us. We should be able to have trust in the President of the United States and the White House Press Secretary but sadly, that is not the case with these people.
America in Pieces
The country has fallen apart. Even before the tragedy of 2020 came upon us things were a mess. Trump has spent three and a half years dividing, lying, and causing chaos with everything from locking kids in cages to pulling us out of longtime agreements that make America better like the Paris Accord on the issue of Climate Change, NATO, and the World Health Organization while he cozies up to the dictators of the world like Kim Jung Un and Putin.
His racism and division and fight after fight with our friends and anyone who opposes his tyranny over these years have not made us great and have broken us into pieces and pieces. Trump has caused our nation to decline and go into a deep hole as a nation, a nation that once was great. He did not make us into a great nation again, he did the opposite.
Now, where do we go?
The future is bleak because of Trump and his brand of democracy, which is the exact opposite of it. We have a man in charge who has one thing on his mind and that is power and getting more of it no matter what the cost to our country and to our people.
It is all about him. It is about what he can get and what is important to him and his family. He is even willing to sacrifice his own family for power and money, he has done so before. It is his desire to stroke his ego that has put this nation on a steady decline, even before the riots, the massive records of our citizens unemployed, and the virus that is raging through our cities and states over these last five months.
Trump has acted like a tyrant over these last 3.5 years in so many ways and has behaved as such in some scary ways. Just look at the similarities between Trump and the tyrants of the world. How they try and control the media and call it “fake”, how they try and have a military type power over the people to assert their authority, and how they treat certain groups of people and you will see the connection.
Hitler did it with the Jews, Trump is doing it with immigrants.
Thousands of lies over almost four years, riots in our streets, a pandemic that has left thousands dead while leaving millions infected and millions more jobless, and a divided nation. All of this and multiple investigations into this president, an impeachment trial, criminal staff members, attacking the press, and daily unpresidential tweets show us one thing and that is that our country is on the decline.
We may not come back from this. I will tell you this, we cannot handle four more years of Trump.
Our nation is on the decline. We are not “winning”. The future is for us to grasp, but we can only do that if we make the tough choices and the most important choice that we can make is to Donald Trump a one-term president and take back our nation.
Racism, hate, and incompetence have no place in our country and this is why to prevent a further decline, we must vote Trump out this November when we go to the ballots. Like him or not, Biden is our only hope to get America going again and save the soul of this nation. If Trump remains in power, in two years we will not have a country.
The decline of America is in full swing, but we can end it and take back our country from racism and failure!