Trump Couldn’t Even Protect Himself from COVID, Let Alone America
When Donald Trump became infected with the virus that we all know as COVID-19 a few days ago it did not surprise anyone but still it came as a shocker being that no president in decades has had a serious medical issue such as this.
People asked me why and how could I wish him and the other Republicans well and not wish bad on them for getting the virus they called a hoax and dismissed.
Why wouldn't I?
I think he is an evil man and him and those around him are fools for their dismissal of this illness but I know what having this is like and would never wish that on anyone — not even my worst enemy in the entire world, and he is pretty close to that.
I had compassion for him and even started praying for him (as I continue to do so) being that I myself had the virus for some 7+ weeks and know what that hell is like. That compassion turned to outrage when Trump began to downplay the virus yet again, only this time he did so as he himself was sick with it.
Then , he left the hospital while still infectious to have a photo op with his supporters and in doing so, put the secret service agents charged with the job of protecting him in danger and gave the further impression that he only cares about himself.
That being said, I will always wish anyone who gets this virus well, even people that I dislike and trust me, I certainly do dislike him and all that he and his supporters stand for. I just believe that to wish harm on anyone or to be happy when people get sick and die is never the right move and I choose to behave like Michelle Obama says that we should — when they go low, we go high.
Trust me, that is a difficult task with this president and the many horrible things that he says and does.
The Man Who Called the Virus a “Hoax”, Came Down with the Illness, the irony
Now, as stated, I want him to be healthy and well, but let’s be real here when discussing this issue. Trump talked about how “Virtually nobody gets it” and downplayed the virus left and right, talking about the “Phenomenal” job that he and his team was doing at containing it and then he and many others in and around the White House get it.
How can he get sick from a ‘Hoax”?
Yeah, I know. His supporters claim like they always do that he never said that and that he was “Misquoted”, but he did. He called it a hoax and other things like a harmless flu and refused to take it seriously and then he comes down with it as do those around him.
How can he protect the American people if he cannot even protect himself and his family from this virus?
Currently, the White House has more positive cases of COVID-19 than some countries and the number is expected to rise. This was to be expected being that Trump does not believe in masks or science and has downplayed this thing from the very start, and even being sick, he continues to deny the seriousness of the virus.
“Do Not Fear COVID, Don’t Let it Dominate You, We Will Beat It”
These were Trump’s words on the same day that he was released from the hospital and these were dangerous words, just as dangerous as his crusade against masks.
I have a message for him. Tell that to the families of the 210,000 Americans and counting who did not beat it and did not get the opportunity to walk out of a hospital and go on a joy ride. These people lost their lives to the very virus that he has downplayed and lied about and will never get a chance to go on a ride or a trip or anything.
It makes one question, what was this all about and was he even sick to begin with.
He did look pale on day one but then suddenly is all better and that was not my own personal experience with this virus. I had it for weeks and was very sick where I could not even leave my own bed to get something to eat, let alone work and take rides around like he did.
We for sure should fear this deadly illness. It infects and kills our people every single day and does not appear to be going away anytime soon, even though this guy said it would vanish by April. It did not and will not until we have a safe and effective vaccine or some medications that work, that rally work, not just ones he promotes for his own agenda.
It appears that Donald Trump played us like a fiddle and even a longtime and hardcore anti-Trumper such as myself fell for it and that was my first mistake, to have compassion for a fraud and a liar like him. I mean, what kind of man downplays a virus that has killed many and then gets the virus and then once again downplays it?
A sick one, a sick man, a mentally deranged person.
It Is All About His Ego and Those Rallies, Not About What Is Best For the Country
Trump showed by holding rallies during this pandemic where people were maskless and all close together that he does not care about the American people, just his own agenda. He once again showed this callous for the good people of this country when he took off his mask after arriving back at the White House from the hospital.
He knows that he is possibly still infectious and yet chose to remove his mask and go back into the very same environment that got him sick to begin with in the first place.
This man has no regard for the people of this country because he does not even care about his own safety and the health and safety of his loved ones, if he did then he would not have held rallies and other events like the infamous Rose Garden ceremony where nobody was wearing masks or following CDC protocols.
It is all about him and his fragile ego and not what is best for the people of this great country.
The moment that he left the hospital against medical advice while he was still highly infectious to go on his ego stroking ride along was the moment where my empathy for him greatly diminished and that is because it showed that he still does not take it seriously and it is a slap in the face to the people who have lost people to this virus.
Sick Or Not, This is The Same Inhumane Trump
The way that I see it, if Trump will not focus on this pandemic and the health or the American people, then we the people must do just that — we must do what the President of the United States refuses to do, we do this because we care about each other.
This has been the way that it has been since he was elected, he always does what is best for him and we the people are left to act as the collective leaders of this country, we are leaders because we have no leader, not one who is competent and compassionate anyhow.
The way that this pandemic has unfolded so far shows just who are the heroes of this situation and it is not Donald Trump.
The heroes are the essential workers — The grocery store workers, the nurses, the doctors, the bus drivers, and others who put it all on the line for the country that they love.
Meanwhile, Trump is acting like everything is as normal as can be, up to his usual routine of tweeting and attacking people with no focus on the virus that is raging across the country and taking thousands of lives, he never focuses on others , look at the death of his brother. The day after his brother died he was back at his same self, attacking people.
The same is true with this situation where he got sick with this virus and had to be hospitalized.
Even as he was sick in the hospital, he was attacking people and tweeting about politics and Biden and then on the same day that he leaves that very hospital room (again, against doctor’s orders) he was saying that “Very few” die from the virus and that it is not any different than the seasonal flu that occurs every year.
He has no regard for those who did die and if it impacts very few people then why does his own White House have several infected people and is the new hot spot for the country?
Trump downplayed this thing for months and then got the virus and then continued to downplay it. He endangered his secret service agents, his family, people at his rallies, and so on by his own anti-mask policies and his refusal to take it seriously back in March cost tens of thousands of decent Americans their lives and so many their jobs and so on.
Trump failed us.
How can we ever think that he will protect us and “defeat the virus” when he could not even keep himself safe and he is the most protected person in the world who is in the most secure bubble with testing and tracing along with everything else.
This president is a danger to this country. He has no compassion for others yet demands it when he goes through things. He is the ultimate narcissist, a man who is cruel and disrespectful towards others and then demands that people treat him with compassion and respect.
This is the worst kind of person. This is a man who has no idea what people go through and has called Americans dying from the virus things like “It is what it is” and then we he gets it, he goes and wants us to focus on him as if he is the only infected person in the country.
He failed from the very start.
We have the most deaths and the most cases and even after he got sick with it he still will hold rallies, will not issue a national mask mandate, or take the virus that he has seriously. It is one thing that he does not care about his own health but to ignore the dead Americans that he is charged with protecting is negligent and criminal.
Four weeks from today we get to VOTE HIM OUT. He has failed the American people and we must get him out of office before more die from his utterly incompetent and irresponsible actions. Joe Biden takes it seriously and even went as far as to wish Trump well during his hospital stay and that is because Joe has compassion and a heart.
I am the same way. I wish Trump a full recovery from this brutal virus that I personally went hell with, but I will call him out and ask my fellow citizens to look at who he is and what he does and his failure on this virus as proof that he is unfit to lead.
I ask you all to vote him out on November 3rd as our very lives depend on it, more than ever.