Trumpism IS a Disease
I recently wrote an article about Cult 45, also known as the supporters of Donald J. Trump.
I really wanted to move on to other topics of the many various types of things I enjoy writing about, but then I started to encounter the ignorance from his base in my online activities and just had to let it all out about who these people are.
Uneducated. Immoral. Psychopathic
This is who Trump supporters are.
I have friends who support Trump and for that reason I have held back the entirety on my feelings on the issue, but I can no longer resist saying what is the truth for myself as well as for millions of Americans and that is that Donald Trump and his supporters make me ASHAMED to be an American and live in this great country.
Yes, that is correct. They have no moral compass or decency and they have proven that time and time again and this is why I am saying this and saying it unapologetically for all to read and digest, and it is why I am not going to pull any punches any longer when it goes to the “MAGA” movement or the guy these people support.
The pandemic and the failed response from Trump has once again, created division and anger on both sides of the aisle and that is why I decided to write about these folks once again.
These are tough times for all of us, and these people who stand with this president (their president, not mine) choose their loyalty to him over their compassion for the people who have been infected with COVID-19 and those who have died from this terrible disease and that is simply, unacceptable and immoral.
I should not be surprised though as Trump did this (pictured in the feature photo for this article) and they still voted for him, proving to America who they are and what they support and if that does not disturb you then you just may be a Trump supporter.
Making fun of a disabled reporter like he did back in 2015 was perhaps the lowest thing he has done, and there have certainly been a lot of lows for this guy in the last handful of years. This act was by far his worst act as not only a politician, but as a human being, and his supporters backed him anyway and even encouraged it.
Every time Trump comes out and says or does something, we have this glimmer of hope in humanity that his supporters will call him out by the masses and condemn him for his pathetic behaviors, but time and time again we are let down and we once again lose our hope in our fellow Americans ability to be decent and moral.
I had hoped (like we all had) that the disabled reporter incident was the bottom of how low and how disgusting this president could go, but those hopes have been dashed and dashed and dashed with every passing day as this guy has no limit with the horrible things he says and the deplorable actions that he takes.
The worst part is, he has millions of fans who egg him on and support this type of behavior.
As I always say, Trump will come and go, we can vote him out and move on from the damage he has done, but the real problem that will remain are his supporters and their presence in our country — that is a larger issue that will take much longer to fix.
I often wonder, just where did Trump supporters come from?
I do not remember the voters of either Bush, McCain, Romney, or even David Duke being this rapid, unhinged, uneducated on the facts and events in this country, or cruel.
The presence of a 24/7 online news cycle with comment sections on social media platforms make the division in this country and our exposure to his supporters and their mean and rude behavior even more in our face and even more difficult to escape.
I have had many discussions with these people, and I hate to be mean or inconsiderate, but these folks are very poorly educated, but then again, Trump did say that he loves the poorly educated and the vast majority of his supporters are certainly that.
Here is how it often plays out — Trump will tweet or say something in a speech or at a rally and within hours that lie or ridiculous statement will be spread like wildfire all over the internet because one Trump supporter repeats it and then verbatim other Trump supporters repeat it and repeat it and thus prove that they cannot think for themselves.
Trump has manipulated and brainwashed these people, and it is beyond sad and in fact, dangerous.
That is why I say that Trumpism is a disease!
Trump is the KING of fake news. He claims that everything is “fake news” and then his supporters repeat that, but he is the one who is pushing the fake news, with the help of networks like Fox and websites like Breitbart and Infowars.
I am proud NOT to be a Trump supporter and here is why.
Trump supporters are unbelievable with their conspiracy theories and the absurd beliefs that they have, and what is worse is that they actually believe these things that they say, and even claim them to be “facts” and say that they “research” things, when in reality, they just repeat what he tells them to think.
My message to his supporters is this.
Just STOP with the conspiracy theories and the repeating of Trump’s lies on whatever the issue of the time is. Think for yourself and stop repeating things that every Trump supporter repeats after they hear another Trump supporter say it.
Take the weak response Trump has had to this virus and the COVID_19 pandemic that we are all going through for example as proof of the sheep that these people are.
Now, I have addressed this issue before and will again, but of all the flat out insane things that his supporters say, their statements on the virus and the pandemic are some of the most crazy, and that is saying something for these people.
Trump’s response to this crisis has been a complete FAILURE and disgrace , just like his presidency.
Stop being selfish Trump supporters. Opening the country will cost the loss of many more lives. Public health matters most. Of course, they do not get this fact and come up with lies to defend their guy and the failure he has been on the virus and as president.
As far as the injecting disinfectants comments he made.
Yes, he said it and it’s on VIDEO. Funny . Trump supporters always deny things he said on video yet say they love him because he speaks his mind. Amazing. Here is some education for you Trump supporters, listen because I’m only going to address this once .
He banned travel from China AFTER it was ALREADY HERE. Banning travel made no difference as it was too LATE. Since then he has done NOTHING but hold press briefings attacking reporters , blaming everyone for HIS failed response, and lying .He called it a harmless flu for ten weeks.
He failed us.
They do not like when we push back at them. They believe that he is the best thing since sliced bread and a good president, and that is the most hilarious part of the whole thing as Trump has been the worst president in our entire history, and that is saying something with presidents like Bush Jr and Nixon in our past.
See what I mean, Trumpism is a disease and a mental disorder.
There are Republicans and then there are Trump supporters.
The difference between your typical Republican and the supporters of Trump are like night and day. There is a big difference between these two groups in values, education, and logic and I say that as someone who has always been against Republican policies and someone who did not like Bush Jr and the whole Iraq fiasco.
This is something very different.
These people cannot be reasoned with. Logic escapes them. Humanity is something they cannot comprehend and compassion is something that they cannot show for their fellow human beings and the past four plus years and their behavior, lies, and attacks has shown just who these people are and what they stand for.
Debating with them is like trying to talk sense to a wall. You just cannot reason with them. They believe the 18,000 and counting lies of Trump and defend him no matter what he does and how many obvious lies that he tells and that is just sad and quite honestly, pathetic.
The worst part of it is that they claim to be “Christian” while never acting like it and treating immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ people, the poor, and even now, people who are sick and dying from this Coronavirus with such hate, callous, and inhumanity and that is disturbing and horrible.
Christians supposed to help others, show compassion, and be there to show empty and these people show none of that, but then again, look at the guy who they support and vote for, they truly learn from the best of the best when it comes to mistreating people and not caring about the vulnerable and the needy.
Trumpism is a disease. We will recover from Donald Trump once he is no longer the president (their president), but it will take a very long time to get rid of the after-effects and the linger of Trump’s supporters and the ways they have destroyed this country and our image in the world — but we will recover and we will be a great nation again.
In the meantime, we must call these people out and continue to debunk their lies, their fake news , their conspiracy theories, and their agenda to make us the racist, hateful, and horrible country that their president is making us into and we must continue to heal our nation and as Joe Biden says, restore the soul of our nation once again.
I may not be perfect, but at least I am not a Trump supporter and because of that, I sleep well at night, my conscience is crystal clear!