We All Have Demons
During this pandemic it came to mind that so many people are struggling in this thing called life. So many people are scared and so many have demons that they battle, even more so than what the norm is and we must find ways to deal with the fears of the pandemic, the isolation, and everything that goes with it.
Pandemic aside, we all have demons that we battle and we all must find a way to cope with the voices in our heads that tell us that giving in to the demon will make everything better because the reality is, it never does, it always makes what we are going through much, much worse. The way to overcome is to go through it, to experience the pain in all that it brings to our doorstep and by doing that, we become free.
These demons though, they are real.
The demons we as humans experience are real and should never be minimized as they are there and continue to come back up for many of us, especially those who suffer from mental illness and addiction issues, but also for others as well. I know that many people do not acknowledge that they have problems or demons that call them, but trust me, we all do, some of us more than others.
The demons some experience are different than the ones others experience and at times people from various backgrounds both experience the same demons, it is just hard to tell. Some people have mental health demons while others have demons relating to an addiction to a drug or alcohol or some other type of behavior and some have demons relating to intrusive thoughts about something they do not want to be or a past trauma and some have other types of demons.
We all have something.
The point is that we must battle to overcome those demons as for many of us, these demons and problems do not go away overnight and for some, they do not go away for many years, if at all. It is during times of extreme stress and crisis that our demons really come to the surface and call us back again and try and trip us up.
It is important when trying to help and understand a person’s demons to meet people where they are at and understand that their demons are real to them and that the struggle also is real, and do your best to understand their battle as deep down, we all have a battle that we are fighting and yes, we all have some sort of demon that we are battling.
Another thing to remember is that it is not kind or helpful to throw someone’s demons or their past in relation to those demons in their face. We all have a past and it is important to remember that none of us are perfect, we all are fighting some sort of battle. I like this quote that I have seen online that reads, “Be kind to everyone you meet as we all are fighting some sort of battle that you know nothing about”.
I have had my own demons in my own past. I have had many of them and people have used those things to attack me and throw them in my face and use them to belittle me and make me feel bad about my past. I want to tell everyone, regardless of a person’s political views or other disagreements you may have with them, do not use their past against them, instead, judge them on their present actions.
The demons that I have struggled with are similar to ones others have had, many others. I struggled with a 15-year drug addiction, I have had mental illness struggles since I was a young child, I have had what they call in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous “character defects” that are demons of their own. I have struggled with all of this, but I know that these demons do not define me, and they do not define you or anyone else either.
You may have demons that call you daily to go back to them, do not listen to this voice. I must do my best daily to deny these demons re-entry to my life and stay engaged in the solution of life and serenity. I believe that everyone has demons that they must fight everyday, especially during challenging times like what we are in now with the pandemic and the isolation that goes with this trying time, or any channeling time we may face.
Do not let the demons take hold. You have overcome them. Leave them where they belong, in the past. The demons will try and lie and get you to give in and return to them, they will use guilt and shame and sadness and loneliness to reel you back in. My advice to you (and me) is do not listen, these tactics of our demons are lies and will only create more pain and more wreckage to ourselves and others.
The demons will always be there, we must learn to acknowledge them, accept them, and fight them — on a DAILY basis. When we do this, we make progress and we grow as human beings, we become the people that we always sought to be and we become stronger and more able to fight the very demons that owned us for so very long!