What the Recent Trump Rallies Showed Us About the President
I am sure that many of you know that the global pandemic of COVID-19 has caused so much sickness, death, and job losses throughout the world and that the United States has been particularly hard hit by this virus and has been the epicenter for some time now.
I am sure that you also are aware of the weak federal response by our nation and in particular, the Trump administration when it comes addressing this pandemic and that became crystal clear when he held two large rallies in the last week in Tulsa and in Arizona, with more planned for the upcoming days and weeks to follow.
Ignoring Pubic Health for Votes
At these rallies, the people were not following the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines of maintaining social distance of at least six feet apart and of wearing a face covering (mask) and that showed us and told us all that we need to know about Trump.
As of today, we have 2.43 million positive cases, 124,000 Americans have died, and tens of millions of our citizens have lost their jobs because of the virus and this president wants to ignore those numbers and hold these large political rallies with thousands of people, going against CDC guidelines put in place to save lives.
As if his previous actions on the virus or lack of actions were not enough to show us how much he does not care about the health and safety of the people of this country, this here shows us just who he is and what he thinks about the people he is supposed to protect. These actions of holding these unsafe rallies where nobody is following the public health orders of social distancing and wearing a mask tell us that this president does not take this seriously and value our lives.
Trump does what Trump wants to do, he does not care who it impacts and what the outcome for the country is.
That is why he holds these events, even as cases rise and especially are rising in the states where he is holding the rallies. The fact of the matter is that if he truly cared about public health and our safety, then he would not hold rallies with thousands of people who do not wear masks or maintain their distance from others.
These events that he has been holding are being held in states that have been having an increase in positive cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. He claims to care about our country and our people, but it is clear that he in fact does not care about the people of this country. If he cared then he would not hold such events with no regard for public health in the middle of a public health crisis or would at least have social distancing and require masks.
The rallies have shown us that what Trump cares about is his ego, votes, and his re-election.
We knew that this is what he has always cared about, but now during a public health crisis with Americans dying left and right and more people getting sick more than ever and him holding rallies, we see it even more than we ever have before.
We see that these events that he holds have always been about him, not about America or even about his supporters who attend these rallies. Trump cares about himself and gaining power and money and these rallies are a way to keep himself relevant while blaming the victims, those who have become sick, who have died, and those impacted by this virus.
“But, liberals didn't care about the virus during the protests”
Of course, his supporters claim that those protesting are to blame for the virus spreading. They forget that the protesters mostly had on masks during these rallies and to compare those fighting against racism and hate with those who are listening to hate and racism at a Trump rally is both incorrect and flat out irresponsible.
The rallies have always been bad. Trump uses these events to get together all of the people who hate the same people that he hates so that they can all be united in their xenophobia, homophobia, racism, and so on and they for sure are not going to let a global pandemic stop them from doing this and getting their fix.
Trump has ignored the health of our people so that he can get his base riled up again and get back into his MAGA mode.
The supporters of Trump that go to these rallies try and justify their actions and him holding these gatherings during this pandemic by deflecting to the mass protests against racial injustice and the killing of George Floyd as they forget that the protesters were taking precautions for the most part, but even if they were not, that does not excuse their actions.
The virus is not going away, yet Trump thinks that it is and this is why we started holding these events again.
It drove Trump crazy that the media pointed out how his Tulsa rally had such a poor showing and he viciously attacked the media for showing us all how he was trolled by teenagers who reserved tickets and never showed for the event in Tulsa.
Even with his poor showing in that rally, the risk is evident and with six of his staffers testing positive for the virus, that risk is more than a risk, it is a reality and the Arizona rally was even more devastating for the health of the American public.
Presidential selfishness revealed
These two rallies during this pandemic revealed what we all knew about Trump — he cares only for himself.
He was always selfish but now he is trading American lives for votes and is willing to sacrifice our country for his re-election campaign. That is all that matters to him, getting what matters to him, even if it means Americans dying in the process.
These rallies showed us that this president only cares about what he can gain from a situation. He does not care what the cost is for him to be re-elected or to gain brownie points with his supporters. Trump only cares about the ways that he can benefit, he does not care what happens to the very people that he is supposed to protect.
Now, in the ultimate act of selfishness he is cutting more than 20-million people from Obamacare and during a pandemic nonetheless. This alone should show us all we need to know about who Trump is and what he is all about.
What is more troubling is that his rallies likely will cause many more to go to hospitals and even die from this virus and then he goes and throws them off of healthcare, shameful. We all knew that this guy was inhumane and had zero morals, but now we know it even more than before, we now see just what he is willing to sacrifice for another term.
— — Throwing millions off of healthcare
— — Holding rallies with a virus spreading
— — Slowing down COVID-19 testing
— — Calling the virus a “hoax”
— — Saying “I take no responsibility”
All of this shows who this president is and how much he does not care about our safety and our people.
During a pandemic we need a leader, yet during this pandemic (the worst in decades) we have no leader. We have a 74-year old man-child who is playing games with people’s lives and who is choosing things like political rallies where he lies, blames, and boasts about things like drinking a glass of water over the lives and the people dying from this virus.
We need a president who takes this pandemic seriously and who will do the right thing and fight for the people of this country, not one who holds huge rallies when large gatherings are not being held in any other way and even sporting events and concerts have been cancelled because of this deadly virus upon us.
We need a real leader.
We need someone who takes public health seriously.
We do not need Donald Trump.