Rob Clewley
3 min readNov 9, 2019

As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat”, we can use that same line of thinking to personal growth and psychology. You are what you think you and you manifest what you think about. This is the essential part of change and changing your perspectives in life, to grow we must believe we are the thing that we want to become.

If you want something then you must first believe that achieving it is a pure possibility that it not only can happen, but that it will happen. Having the belief in the thing that you seek as well as belief in yourself and in your abilities is essential to creating the life that you want and reaching your destination in life.

Whether you think you can or that you can’t one thing is for certain, you are right. Our thoughts are the first step towards achieving results, whether those are positive or negative results. The thought that you can do it is without a doubt the first step towards reaching that goal, but the opposite is true as well, if you believe you can’t, then you are right.

If you think that you are something then most likely, you will manifest in your life what you believe. For example, if you believe that you are attractive then people will be attracted to you, and if you have a negative mindset about your looks, personality, and talents then most likely, you will manifest those things in your life.

The Law of Attraction most often is talked about when we are talking about manifesting positive things in your life, but the thing is that the simple idea that we can create what we want by having faith and a positive mindset does not need to be attributed to any specific type of psychology or way of thinking and in fact it is as simple as replacing negative thoughts with positive, life affirming ones.

As Will Smith said in the classic “The Pursuit of Happiness”, “If you want something, go get it” all those years ago I say the same to all of you. If you are unhappy with the results you are getting in life then take the actions needed to create the life that you want, but it all starts in your mindset and how your mind operates.

You have to see it to believe it and you must see it happening in your mind and then it will happen in your world. This is not some kind of Crackerjack box wisdom, but it is the reality that we all must accept. If we do not see it coming true then it most certainly will not, we must see it in our minds and believe with all of our heart that what our hearts desire is going to happen and is possible, if we don’t then we will never see our dreams coming true and achieve real happiness.



Rob Clewley

Author, activist, American. Love to write everything from politics to recovery and much more. Find me on Twitter under my name for much more!